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Posture and movement therapy for musicians

Playing a musical instrument at an elite level is a highly complex motor skill. The regular daily
training loads resulting from practice, rehearsals and performances place great demands on the
neuromusculoskeletal systems of the body. As a consequence, performance-related
musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) are globally recognized as common phenomena amongst
professional orchestral musicians.

Exercise therapy Cesar / Mensendieck for musicians

Cesar/Mensendieck posture and movement therapy is a full body therapy. You learn to rebuild your posture from your base and look at the totality of the body. Everything is connected and has
a relationship with each other. By getting to know your body better, you learn to recognize your
movement patterns and can adjust them where necessary.Cesar/mensendieck posture and movement therapy is an active therapy where you as a patient learn a lot by doing and experiencing it yourself.

Making music is not just something you do with your fingers and mouth, but with your entire body. Within individual therapy we first work on the foundation of your body before we start building up. In addition, posture is not only a physical thing, but also social and emotional. It says a lot about
who you are, how you want to be and how you come across. Posture correction when playing
often produces many emotions that are given space. This is also included in the treatment process.

Therapist: Valerie Tillie
Posture and movement therapy for musicians is developed for musicians and perform artists.
Valerie Tillie is specialized in the treatment of musicians, (complex) complains of the neck,
shoulder and arm. She looks to all the different ways with influence your sound and body while you are playing.

Other therapists in the ABC-Tilburg Centre who works with musicians:
Body Stress Release
Practitioner: Marleen Roosen
The Body Stress Release technique is build on the premise of using the body as highly
sophisticated biofeedback system. The practitioner interprets the body’s reflex response to
accurately ascertain sites of stored tension and muscle contraction. Once the source of the body
stress has been identified, the practitioner performs the release with a series of gentle precise
movements that stimulate the nervous system and activate the body’s self healing response.

Vocal Balance / Voice therapist
Therapist: Jamie van den Hombergh

Vocal Coach / CVT teacher / BARRS-practitioner: Danielle Lous
Practitioner: Danielle Lous

Other therapists at ABC-Tilburg:
Ellen Kepers

Monique van Schoubroeck

Holistic therapy
Masja van Beek

Paulus Karremans

Linda Bego

Contact information off all the therapists at ABC-Tilburg
Valerie Tillie: 0031 – 6 – 24 23 12 32 ,
Marleen Roosen: 0031 – 6 -16 50 50 85 ,
Jamie van den Hombergh: 0031 – 6-20 51 69 41,

Ellen Kepers: 0031- 6 – 44 77 87 60,
Monique van Schoubroeck: 0031 – 6 – 36 49 01 07,
Danielle Lous: 0031- 6 – 22 06 25 06,
Masja van Beek: 0031 – 6 – 49 67 09 32,
Paulus Karremans: 0031- 6 – 54 75 62 64,
Linda Bego: 0031- 6 – 30 54 33 42,

Advies- en BewegingsCentrum Tilburg (ABC-Tilburg) (Advice and Movement Center)
Minister Mutsaersstraat 24
5041 CH Tilburg
0031-6-24 23 12 32 (whats app)

Opening hours
See website for opening hours. All treatments by appointment.