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Insurance / Compensation

Cesar/mensendieck exercise therapy is reimbursed by the Dutch health insurance from the
supplementary package. Check this under the heading Physiotherapy/Exercise Therapy

You don’t need a referral card to get started, we are directly accessible. For complex complaints,
this is necessary from the GP or specialist. Valerie can inform you about this.

Rates 2024
If you do not have additional insurance or have exceeded your reimbursement, these are the

 Screening, intake and examination of the posture (30 min.)   € 55,00
 Intake and examination after referral card from your GP (30 min.)   € 50,00
Treatment exircise Cesar / Mensendieck exercise therapy
(25 min. treatment + 5 min. administration)
  € 37,50
 Online treatment (25 min + 5 min. administration)   € 37,50
 Treatment at home / work (30 min.)
* no travel costs within Tilburg
* outside Tilburg public transport costs / kilometer
Costs €0.28/km
  € 55,00

Reimbursements up to 18 years:
Children and young people are entitled to 18 treatments per year from basic insurance, without a deductible. Both preventive care and if you are already experiencing physical complaints are reimbursed.

Reimbursements for people over the age of 18:
The reimbursement from the supplementary insurance depends on what you have concluded with the health insurer. Please see the policy conditions for this.
Sometimes it happens that your complaints are chronic according to the “Chest List”. If this is the case, you pay for the first 21 treatments yourself (or from your supplementary insurance) and then you will be reimbursed from your basic insurance for a specific or indefinite period. The deductible does apply here. Inquire with your health insurer and Valerie.