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Are you a perfectionist who wants to get the most out of your music? Do you play an instrument but experience pain during or after playing? Do you get stuck in your technique during music lessons? Is your playing position not yet optimal? Breathing support? How can this be done efficiently! Are you a singer and do you want to get the most out of your voice? Do you want to learn to relax on stage?

If you want help with one of these questions, ABC-Tilburg is the right place for you. Since 2002, Valerie Tillie has been treating musicians from near and far (care area North Brabant – Limburg – Zeeland) to help them progress in music. She offers individual therapy, online therapy and workshops.

Who is Valerie Tillie?

Valerie Tillie is a Cesar/mensendieck exercise therapist who specializes in treating musicians and
people with complex neck/shoulder/arm complaints. Since 2002, Valerie Tillie has been treating musicians from everywhere to help them progress in music. She offers both individual therapy, online therapy and workshops. She is also a psychomotor child therapist, which means that in addition to the physical side of the complaints, she also treats the psychological side of the complaints.

She is teacher at AMPA for the lessons body and mind in the bachelor study. See collaborates as therapist with Fontys AMPA (former conservatory), Rock Academy and Young Musicians Academy. She guides professional, semi-professional and amateur musicians to play pain-free and with better quality.
